Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Raising poverty levels

Where do you live?
A constant fight to lower the poverty level in the United States has been an ongoing issue, which looks like it is only getting worse.  The Census Bureau announced figures in 2010 showing that 49 million citizens were living in poverty. One year later, new figures had shown an increase to 49.7 million citizens.  This growing dilemma has sparked interest in the political world.

 A good idea!
After his State of the Union address on Feb. 12, President Obama added a possible solution to the raising poverty issue. He made it known that raising the minimum wage was a necessary step to turn around this growing problem.

U.S. Senator Tom Harkin (D-IA) and U.S Rep. George Miller (D-CA) took Obama’s side and put together the Harkin-Miller Proposal. If passed it would raise minimum wage from $7.25 to $9.80 an hour across the nation.

The Harkin-Miller Proposal is aimed primarily towards low income families, high school/college students, and many retired citizens who work for many low paying jobs. Supporters of a minimum wage increase say that raising the minimum wage would greatly benefit the many Americans who cannot keep up with the cost of living. As President Obama stated in his speech,   “It could mean the difference between scraping by and finally getting ahead.” 

Not going to work!                        

            These opposing arguments are aimed at employers of whom may not be able to afford to give an increase to their employees. Some arguments are aimed towards many Americans who are worried that other businesses would take advantage of this extra money by raising prices on their already highly priced products, and of course the possible loss of jobs.
            Both sides of the argument have great reasons to support their views. Some arguments contradict each other, for instance, one side believes that it would create more jobs by supplying the market with more money to spend. The opposing side looks at the business point of view. They believe that is it taking much needed money away from an already weakened economy filled with businesses that are failing. However the ultimate decision will depend upon the senate, and until that decision is made the debate continues.

Friday, February 8, 2013


Is Anonymous a national threat? Anonymous, known as a “Hacktivist” group is creating chaos all over the world within the cyber world. Oxforddictionaries.com defines a hacktivist as, “a person who gains unauthorized access to computer files or networks in order to further social or political ends.”  They are mostly known for their extremist thinking. Anonymous can be identified for hacking the Federal Reserve banking system, hacking into the Egyptian president’s e-mails, and taking down Government websites…repeatedly. Breaching borders Anonymous has spread out to several other countries like Egypt, Spain, Turkey, and plenty more countries worldwide.
 According to an article in the Calgary Harold, the government appears to have seen a threat, sending three federal security agencies to take a closer look at the alleged ‘cyber terrorists’. One agency warned that, “Anonymous could soon have the ability to take down critical infrastructure such as water systems and the electricity grid.” Although that sounds like a possible threat, what proof is out there that supports all these accusations? After a short few minutes of combing the internet for Anonymous, I stumbled upon a site who defines themselves as; “The Atlantic wire” which reported that an Anonymous member threatened the life of an FBI member on a YouTube video saying “"Robert Smith's life is over. And when I say his life is over I don't mean I'm going to kill him, but I'm going to ruin his life and look into his f***ing kids.”, although Barret Brown was arrest for doing so, it is evident that this Anonymous member took things too far.
Another site “Religious Freedom Watch” is known to expose people that attack religious groups. Religious Freedom Watch believes in helping persons of all religions and does not discriminate or advocate violence against persons of any religion.” According to religiousfreedomwatch.org, Anonymous appeared back in 2004 and became a major nuisance, especially to scientologists. The site then deemed the group Anonymous as a hate group and used these word and others to define members of Anonymous, ‘religion hating, racist, criminals, and perverts’. The site, clearly a biased source, got me to thinking about the importance of masks.
Why should they hide behind masks? We supposedly live in this free nation, which I like to pretend is true. I always thought that we were free to be who we wanted to be, fight for what we believed in, and to work for what we wanted. I see that anonymous is fighting to be who they want to be. They wear these masks to categorize themselves as one unit, to protect themselves from their so-called right to choose to be whom they want to be. Now, the discussion is how far you will go, how hard you will fight for what you believe in.. What is too far? Hacking government websites? Stealing credit card information along with piles of person information? What gives Anonymous the right to do any of those things? I do see there are problems with our free nation, but what gives them the power to make these decisions. Though, I sometimes feel, like many other Americans, that our government should not have the right to make some of the decisions they make. Making personal information accessible to the public is a big breach of ethics on Anonymous’ part.
This discussion seems to be targeted for either extreme religions or gullible citizens that don’t question the world that surrounds them. If there is a possibility of a group that could knock out necessities such as water and power, we should not be so quick to lower our guard. Or at least let the government let you think you can lower your guard. A group such as Anonymous, who makes threats on a normal basis, should not be taken so lightly. Anonymous is defiantly a threat and they have shown capabilities that could destroy life for millions of Americans. Who is not frightened that they might be the next to be hacked? Who wants to wake up and find that there person information is posted online, your identity stolen, or your home address where you and your family live. Anonymous are throwing stones in the water, and the ripples are spreading. The tactics that some members use could one day be a serious problem right on your front step. Don’t assume there is not threat, this is America! There is always a threat!

 Martin, A. (2012, september 13). The arrest of the face of anonymous will of course be televised. Retrieved from http://www.theatlanticwire.com/technology/2012/09/arrest-face-anonymous-will-course-be-televised/56833/

Behind the face of the anonymous hate group. (n.d.). Retrieved from religiousfreedomwatch.org

Press, J. (2012, december 21). Anonymous a threat to critical infrastructure? expert says no. Retrieved from http://www.calgaryherald.com/news/national/Anonymous threat critical infrastructure Expert says/7734843/story.html